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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-06-19 - 4:09 p.m.

No Respect.

I knew it would be an icky day when munchkin hated the shirt I put on him, then didn't believe that the shirt I changed it for (in the same colors - to match the shorts he had on) was a different one. He refused to believe me even after it was on and he should have been able to tell that the offending collar was gone. I had to go get the other shirt and show him.

Then I had to shut off the car and go back into the house because munchie forgot the gameboy.

The drive in can best be described as an idiots convention.

I had a user who ignored his renewal notice for 30 days then it was suddenly a big harry deal that he couldn't log in today. And even though it's a problem in the big security company software that I can't reset him until tomorrow, it is suddenly imperative that I do it today. Ok so I figured out how to do it, but it still peeved me.

Plus I couldn't get the available software to generate a simple set of totals on a report output from SQL.

And I get a notice for a dopey project management meeting. But that works out because we sat around waiting for the higherups to show up and they didn't, so the meeting didn't happen. I should feel sorry for the organizer, but truely she's been a pain. Plus she wants us all to follow everything she learned in her project management class. Apparently in preparation for the meeting the table had sticky notes at each place (her class was big on sticky notes). Sorry but I've done software development projects before and most of what she's described to me is just a waste of time. And I've told her that but apparently experience is not sufficient evidence.

Now it's getting a bit better. I moved the report to my old faithful software and have something to work from now. The annoying meeting never happened. Munchie is all set for camp when we get back from vacation (I checked, after the first camp failure I'm a bit jumpy). And I got his allergy prescription refilled with no muss, no fuss.

Now if vacation time would just get here...

Oh yeah, and today I learned what a SHO is! (And that make's me happy because too much longer and I was just gonna have to ask.)


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen