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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-05-13 - 4:06 p.m.

What a day dad had.

Oy Vey. Days like this only a cry in yiddish will do.

So, Mother's Day. I slept late, very late. The sinus infection was still kickin' my butt. What was nearly gone on Friday made a rebound for the weekend.

As I came down stairs there was much card scurrying. I was then scolded for not taking a shower before coming down stairs. Both boys had been up for at least an hour but I got scolded for not giving them more notice that I was coming (mind you I came down immediately so they could eat but that's beside the point).

Munchkin was starting to write a message on my card. I let him finish it after I read the card. I think he forgot what he had been writing. The message read: hog me mom and dad and giv me toys. He had done the "ho" before I came down. I don't think he remembered what he was writing. I suggested hug even though it came out hog. He back pedaled later and suggested that the toys were for me, but we know better don't we.

I burned my thumb making pancakes. I sliced open my finger washing the dishes. I was getting kind of pathetic about then. Since DH was staying home (?! - he'd seen all the movies he wanted that were still in theaters). I decided I should do something. It was kind of a tossup between the cemetary and the movies. I decided I was too depressed already and should go to the movies.

I saw Spiderman. It was pretty enjoyable. Tobey Maguire does a good teenager, but I'll never be able to think of him as a romantic lead.

We had the semi-traditional chinese takeout mothers day dinner (I refuse to fight any crowds to dine out). We also experienced the strangest bait & switch ever. We called the number for a local chinese place. DH went to get the food. The restaurant had closed. Apparently the phone number now rings in a restaurant across town. Too weird! The only way we found that out was because someone else came to get their food, but they had a cell phone. They got the number called it and asked where the heck the food was being made.

Today has been on the hellish side.

One of my servers died an ugly death. I went in to check an error, there was a virtual memory error. I rebooted it and it never came back. It's dead Jim.

I guess the real fun will come in trying to rebuild everything tomorrow.

Plus the meeting with the auditors to discuss the system that just lost it's server. That was actually better than I thought. I spent a lot of time saying: "well, without programming changes...".

Then don't even get me started on the old guy that called and wanted to know who was in charge of his money. Guess those customer service people are making a real impression with this guy. I answer the phones once and that is what I get. Geeze.

Maybe I should burst into a rousing chorus of "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow". Maybe not.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen