Deb's Place


Our Excellent Hosts
Say Howdy
About Me

Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-05-10 - 2:31 p.m.


Someone is leaving the Ancient and Venerable Bank to go to the FBI. His going away card is one of those people targets from a shooting range. What a fun idea.

Yesterday's meeting was an "its all about me" meeting courtesy of the bossman. He said point blank that he no longer has time for his job due to his new duties and we would have to suck it up and pick up the slack. We are basically not to bring him anything. We must deal with it ourselves.

He appologized that its so stressful. I mentioned that they were the only ones that seemed to be stressing out as near as I could tell. He and princess were so suprised. Amazing how when you're busy being secretive others aren't really affected. In fact with him travelling a day or two each week we will be under much less stress. It's like a vacation when they're gone.

Favorite moment: when bossman started talking about our compensation being tied to achieving a set of preset goals. He said it was so much better than having some idiot do your evaluation. I'll admit it, I laughed out loud (causing everyone to stare) because he is the idiot that does our evaluations.

I got my sewing machine back from the shop (yeah!). I had a flash of pride when the owner told me it was a good machine. I had actually always thought of it as a cheap one. My folks gave it to me one year for christmas when I was in college. I realized that means it's over 20 years old. Hmm nothing like a bit of longevity to show it's value. Only it's second repair trip in 20 years too.

Last night I baked 3 cakes for the tonight's school carnival cake walk. One tunnel of fudge cake and 2 crumb cakes. It would have been 1 crumb cake but I realized too late that I didn't have the right kind of pan for that cake. You'd think with my million kitchen implements that I'd have a springform pan. Sigh. I did them in foil pans instead, it's more portable anyway.

The boss wants us to have our "summer picnic" as a pool party at his house. Somehow the thought of mr drunken fool barbequeing for us is not my cup of tea.

He told me that one weekend last summer he got so trashed that he forgot to put on pants. He stripped the swimsuit strapped on the apron and started toward the barbeque. Oh yeah. It was his 7 year old who reminded him that he needed pants.

Maybe I'll just skip it even though I'll risk not being part of the team.

Today I am wearing my stylish beads on elastic necklace courtesy of munchkin. They had a mother's day breakfast at the Parks and Rec. He seemed so tickled to have me there. We ate a nice breakfast (those ladies do know how to feed us). He gave me a whole bag of booty: Pictures, hand prints, a fan, the beads.

Then I got to play 3 games of CandyLand with munchie and another little lady who was not such a good sport. She won the first game by a landslide. I won the second barely and then in the 3rd she was way ahead until she got the "Plumpy" card. After that she quit. Munchie lost all 3 times and didn't really fuss.

Everyone remarked on how loving and loveable munchie is. The rec lady call him "their baby". Even his best buddy's mom told me he is very affectionate with her. I think it is probably related to his developmental delays. Other 5 year olds are really trying to be "big kids", munch just doesn't seem to care about that. He's perfectly willing to tell me that 5 is very little especially when there's something he doesn't want to give up.

Love the little munchie.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen