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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-05-08 - 2:12 p.m.

Makes me want to scream.

If I read one more time that the mailbox pipebomber was an intelligent kid, I think I'll scream. Yeah, blow up random people and postal workers - this kids a f***'in genius.

If I see Cardinal Law again remarking that the victims of sexual abuse bear some responsibility for what happened, I may go postal. Or maybe I'll just introduce genius boy to someone who really needs to be blown up.

And while I'm up here in soap box land, the whole middle east thing really makes me want to scream. I can feel a sympathy with issues on both sides. But boy oh boy it just makes me want to slap some people around until they make an effort to find an acceptable way of interacting that doesn't involve blowing each other up.

Tomorrow we have a "mandatory staff meeting". I don't think anyone screwed up lately (no one has been screaming in the office this week). My reaction was to ask what our favorite EVP has done now since half of all the drama here thus far has been based on jealousy of her position. I can't wait for this one.

On happier things, I have been mightily amused lately at new interaction between DH and munchkin. DH plays a computer game that munchkin loves to watch. I am against it (too violent in my opinion) but they started it when I was gone for a day. Really hard to stop something that has been going on for a while. Especially when DH doesn't agree that it needs to be stopped. Now they both discuss this game in vivid detail. Munchkin will come down in the morning and make suggestions on what they should do to get past their latest obstacle. Things he's thought of lying in bed before sleep. Then DH will update munchie on any changes due to playing after bedtime. It becomes an animated conversation.

DH used to try to talk to me about his games. I'll admit I didn't let this topic of conversation flourish. It bores me silly. The two of them, though are really into it. It's amusing to watch.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen