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2002-05-03 - 2:06 p.m.

Sneetches, Strings and Spontaneity

So now no one is losing their job here ... maybe. Apparently there are still more bodies than boxes on the org chart but the higher ups aren't removing anyone. I'll believe that when I see it. I got that poop from Princess, bobbleboss is amazingly silent on the subject. Of course the fact that several of us gave him hell for getting us all upset about nothing may have had something to do with it.

This weekend I will still get my resume together to send to my favorite headhunter. She just started her own office and asked for a copy to help her rebuild her files. No problem. I'll probably add a note that says "if you happen to have any possibilities in these couple of locations, I could be easily persuaded to interview". The problem is that I've gotten much pickier about where I'll go. Commuting in the DC area is too difficult, I just can't see myself driving down to NoVa any more.

Laura dear, I think the whiners have a classic case of "sneetches". The star bellied sneetches had bellies with stars. The plain bellied sneetches had none upon thars. The part of that story that always bugged me is trying to figure out why the plain bellies don't just have their own ball games and frankfurter roasts. No, they just sit around feeling bummed and discriminated against because they can't get into the other guy's games. But unfortunately, human nature is in many cases a bad combo of laziness and insecurity. Starting your own party is work (insert whiney voice here), and it might not be as good as the other guy's party anyway. Suddenly you're rationalizing why you should get to be a part of that party. You shouldn't have to make your own party when there's a good party already going. Then you decide the group having the party is elitest when in fact they are just having their own good time.

Hmmm what was I thinking about strings? Was that a reference to the boss stringing us along? Nothing like writing the title of the entry, getting caught up in wording a section and then not being able to make sense of the title.

Oh yeah it was about the puppet masters here at Little New York on the Chesapeake. The Pinocchio song is going through my head. But I've already talked about that, so I should just move on.

I really adore the randomness of Theodora's life. The things that happen to her are fascinating to me. Keilyn's like that too. I love that I can go out with Keilyn randomly and we run into people she knows.

Random is something my life really isn't. I get up at the same time every day. I follow the same routine. I go to work at the one of two times every day (dropping munchkin at school time or DH dropping munchkin time). I follow the same routine of things at work. I check the dailies always in the same order, I deal with the inbox requests, I read mail, I work on the current project. I come home at the same time. And allowing for variations for traffic and buying milk, I arrive home at the same basic time. Then homework, dinner prep, and cleanup (now that DH does that I either go online or read). Evenings are either tubby nights, non-tubby nights or family torture nights. We go to bed at the same time every night. Then we do it again the next day. Everything else is the same.

Even weekends are like that to some extent. (Saturday's I sleep in, Sunday's I cook breakfast. Waffles one week, pancakes the next. Sundays DH does movies. Every other week is laundry.) That's probably why I go nuts without a job or planned activity. Everything is so scheduled I can't improvise. I also don't handle change well and I hate suprises. I'm not sure if the routine is because of that or if that is because I'm used to the routine.

I would probably benefit from a little randomness. Not likely to happen, though.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen