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2002-04-29 - 9:46 a.m.

Perspective, Sloth and Ugly Shoes

I wanted so badly to call out sick from work today. I just thought that if I wasn't there, no one would check my systems and there'd be problems and I'd lose a day of data (very bad). Sure enough the main system rebooted itself prior to processing, which screwed it all up. How did I know?

I forgot to put in yesterday about a trip over to my prior residence. Seems DH deals with companies that just can not seem to deal with his correct address. We aren't really that far from our previous home, just one county over in a small densely populated state. So the new owners called and I stopped by to pick up a package left on the porch.

My first reaction was oh my god. The houses in the neighborhood, which I used to think was a perfectly nice neighborhood, felt like they were closing in on me. Now that they have built up all around where we started (we were house number 3 or 4 in the whole neighborhood) it is apparent that the density is obscene. They have rings of houses that back onto common ground, but the rings are so tight that all you see is houses. It hasn't been that long, but I really hated it. I don't live in the country now, just an older, less dense suburbia, but wow! what a difference.

I was also amused to see that the new owner is a lawn nazi. The grass is amazingly thick and green. They also made some "unusual" choices for the front planting. Looked like tropical houseplants in the front garden. Whatever, it's their house now.

I also went shoe shopping saturday. I had hit a critical point where I only had a couple pair of shoes that fit and they didn't really match all my clothing. After I had munchie my feet were much wider. I just never caught back up on buying shoes. I'm not sure why.

Unfortunately I found just the shoe I was looking for, but they didn't have my size. I totally failed to find dress flats in blue that were attractive. I got a couple pair of dress sandals, some nice looking dark brown flats and perfect work shoes in black and white. It was definitely an Imelda Marcos day. What I really needed was blue dress shoes. What I ended up with was many other shoes and the ugliest blue flats on the planet. So today despite having many new attractive shoes, I am wearing the ugliest shoes on earth. Really ugly.

Slothful again yesterday. I made the family breakfast. Put away clean and cleaned dirty dishes. Did a couple loads of laundry. Helped munchkin start the "build a birdfeeder kit". Only became mildly hysterical as he whacked wildly with the hammer and hammered a nail partly into the table. Later I realized we had put the first two pieces together wrong. So I took it apart. Now I have to get some more little nails to put it back together correctly so we can finish it. Had the terrible urge to sew (probably because the machine is in the shop) so I went through the mending basket and did all the hand work. DH told me this morning that he didn't even remember he owned one of the shirts I returned to him. Made a nice roast for dinner. Read a magazine.

When I type it, it doesn't look slothful at all. Sure felt like it, though. Probably because I know I need to paint that back hall. And the powder room. Want to work in the garden too, but too rainy (yeah!).

We ditched the cable tv in favor of satelite because of picture problems (they needed to run a new cable but wouldn't commit to do it). Less than 2 weeks after we switched to satelite, they came to replace the cable. I told them no thanks. Now I'm wondering if I should have let them run the new cable. But DH swears satelite is better and isn't going back. Needless to say we had NO tv for most of the weekend. DH claims it was the storm, I'm suspicious of the trees. Not a good trend. Hmmm or maybe it is.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen