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2002-04-26 - 2:14 p.m.

Insert large sucking sound here.

I really think I am a stress sponge. It doesn't even have to be my stress. I'm an equal opportunity stresser.

Things are quiet at work today. Yesterday I left here fit to explode. Bobble-boss went minor ballistic, shut himself up with Princess. Then she's all depressed. She finally walks out of the office saying she needs to take a walk. Turns out it was something really dumb.

No I mean REALLY DUMB. There's a chick here at AVBB who several years ago was a secretary. Apparently she treated her bosses very well. VERY WELL. Rumor has it her "other duties as assigned" include things that they don't teach in business school (not that she went to business school). So before boss one left, he gifted her with an Assistant VP posistion. Boss two upped her to VP. She ended up in charge of a big unit and was made Senior VP. Then a little bit back her current boss made sure they made her an Executive VP so as to replace him when he retires. However she got there, she's really made it work for her.

Are the rumors true? Who knows. Who cares. Frankly, though, she's not the sharpest saw on the tool bench. She's best known for taking notes in meetings. Never mind that she's the 2nd highest ranking executive there, she's still a secretary at heart. Her success really pisses bobble-boss and princess. They believe themselves to be exponentially better, smarter etc. Now she is being included in Bobble-bosses meetings with the big boss. The way he reacted, you'd think they'd kicked him off in favor of her.

Geeze. For this I stressed? I figure she's either more competent than they think or she'll hang herself. Either way the meetings will have lots of nice notes taken.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen