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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-04-15 - 3:53 p.m.

Just in the nick of time.

Damn I am glad I bought the munchkin shorts this weekend. Who'd of thunk it! 80's in April. I feel like a good mommy for properly clothing my child for the weather.

One of the neighbor children has acquired a broken arm courtesy of the rec & parks program. Broken elbow - much worse than munchies escapade. Surgery, pins and everything, poor baby. The mom has the story that one of the adults was pushing the kids to try the monkey bars. Apparently that didn't include being right there to catch any kids who weren't up to the task.

I'm not all that suprised if it's true. These women do have some strange ways. I am convinced that they are saying things to munchie about what he eats for lunch. Today for instance, he wanted only a sandwich and juice. No fruit, no cookies. He said if he had fruitsnacks he would puff up really fat and have to roll around.

Now personally I have so many food issues that I have worked hard not to give them to munchie. I hope that my current weeble comments about myself aren't filtering down to him. He is overweight, but if he would just play outside vigorously I think it would resolve itself. (He even manages sedentary outside play.)

Today when he made the comment about getting fat I told him that playing outside more would take care of that. I guess I need to keep reinforcing the outside play aspect of weight control. (For me too). Anybody want to swing? (I'm too wide for the slide).


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen