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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-04-14 - 1:49 p.m.

Shop 'till you drop.

Yesterday was an interesting combination of shopping and in-laws. First the MIL managed to piss me off yet again. Seems DH had the distinct impression that the in-laws were stopping by yesterday to visit as our piece of their trip down to see the play DH's sister is stage managing. (Why you would drive 3 hours to see lousy community theater just because your daughter is stage manager puzzles me - and I really have attended and they are mediocre).

Sometime last week the plan changed and we were seeing them at our house then going to his other sister's for dinner. Saturday I slept very late, then DH went to the bank while I did some chores prior to shopping. During the 5 minutes I went out to feed the birds, the phone rang. Munchkin is amazingly oblivious to the phone and didn't bother to open the door to tell me. I came back in just in time to hear the final answering machine click.

It was "mom" saying that "she never said she was coming over" and "she was going out with sister and would see us later at dinner". Pisses me off. Mind you when Christmas dinner was at our house 2 years ago they house hopped to both his sisters even though they'd see them at our place for dinner. When he got home he was pissed too, a rare thing.

What it gave me, however was no timeline on my shopping. It was time to acquire spring boy clothes for the munchkin. I did the mall (a total waste of time), I won't spend the prices the upscale stores want and the lower scale stores all have same stuff.

I ended up doing the "big box shuffle" by hitting Home Depot, Best Buy and Target where I actually spent some cash.

I also tried on some clothes for me at the mall and managed to achieve a level of depression not seen for a long time. It was brought very much home that I am not just fat, I'm fat and lumpy. Sigh. Must-lose-weight. Sigh.

Dinner wasn't bad and I even managed to unmad myself so as not to be bitchy with "mom".


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen