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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-04-12 - 7:17 p.m.

Out and advice.

So, yesterday I got out for a bit. Met my delightful friend Beth and her snuggly Brit fiance for dinner. Then we descended on Borders followed by a trip to Last Chance. A lovely change! And now that I know that the gang doesn't usually start hanging out at Last Chance until after munchies bedtime, I may have to do that again.

I am also giving myself a small pat on the back for overcoming an insecurity trait. Normally if I'm meeting someone I wait in the car until they arrive, then go into the restaurant with them. Didn't do that yesterday, good thing too as the kids were delayed by mega-traffic. Admittedly it is a restaurant that I have been known to frequent with DH and munchie, so it wasn't a stretch. Still I went in, got a table and a margarita and hung out. Better for certain than sitting in the car watching anxiously for their arrival.

One of my purchases at the Borders was Carolyn Hax's book. Full of pearls of wisdom, bluntly (but cleverly) put. She does an advice column and her offering was in the self-help section. Which is amusing. I noticed that the back cover of the book suggests the humor department.

Some of her entries are really making me think. Which is good, right?

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen