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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-04-04 - 3:55 p.m.

Dazed and amused.

I must say that the hotel across from my office is a never ending source of amusement. Today's offering was a small boy (3 or 4) jumping naked on the bed. He had the most joyful look about him.

We are waiting at work with baited breath. Bossman dropped some hints at the weekly staff meeting that there would me some big things happening in "the next 72 hours". Ok, not really hints, we were planning. Planning for being major bad guys in what is going to be a fairly major re-org. See we have to pull machines from the offices of the "soon to be disgruntled" while the higher up's are busy disgruntling them. As in "so long and thanks for all the fish". We are 48 hours into the 72 so I imagine that it's going to be the moral equivalent of black friday here tomorrow.

I'm catching a cold, maybe I should stay home to recooperate.

The worst part is when I was discussing with him later whether I should renew the security cert for an individual his answer was "he's not going to need it anymore". That certainly leaves an ugly hurt in ones tummy.

I can't help but feeling that people are going to be completely devestated tomorrow. This place used to be the kind of place that only exists in memory - people started here at young ages and worked their whole lives here. Then at 40 some years service, they retired. Now we are trying to be New York City on the Chesapeake. Attracting lots of high powered players who (my theory only) got the pee scared out of them on 9/11. Face it there's nothing in Baltimore worth running a plane into.

Last week we got the layout of the new organization. Major Changes. Lots of new "boxes". I guess tomorrow we get to see who they don't think fit in any box. I think any person who is up there on the food chain whose name is not in one of the "leader" boxes probably should be shaking in their shoes.

Peoples lives are going to be tossed on end. Gives me a bit of the willies.

Godspeed to all those who get cast adrift.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen