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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-04-01 - 7:23 p.m.

Hippity, Hoppity, Home Again.

So a couple days at the beach. Only 1 phone call from work. Nine to sixteen people there most of the days. A tad more chaotic than I expected.

So I can not help but wonder about my in-laws. They harass each other horribly. I really don't think they are at all nice to one another. First my MIL made a cake from scratch. It was a pretty good cake too. They all gave her the worst time about it. Wondering if it was safe to eat, making comments about how they couldn't believe she could make a cake from scratch, on and on. And it happens all the time on any topic.

Then there was the step-neice. DH's brother is divorced from her mother, but they still have a good relationship with her. Apparently MIL called and invited her to come visit for easter. But only if her soon to be step-kids didn't come. So that was set but then the plans changed. MIL told her she could come and bring the kids, but that she didn't have enough food for them all. My mother and father-in-law have money. There was several days notice. Why were they so stingy about feeding these kids? They aren't evil or anything just 3 boys (ages 6, 8 and 10). And MIL complained about her bringing the kids almost continuously. I just don't get it. Heck, they even played pretty nice with munchkin - who LOVED the company.

I also had a couple relationship revelations. First DH has a habit of doing things in a sloppy manner. Like he can't be bothered to do it right. Seems he really comes by that honestly - it's a family trait. For instance his mom made this cake. It called for separating the eggs and beating the whites before adding them (makes the batter lighter). She didn't bother, because she didn't feel like it. Very reminiscent of how DH does things. The cake, by the way, was very heavy.

I also discovered that one of the basic things DH and I lack is trust. Even on the simple stupid things. I know I don't trust him and was somewhat suprised to see that he doesn't trust me either. I discovered it when just about an hour up the road, I looked back and munchkin had pissed himself. Didn't bother to tell us he had to pee, just did it. At the next stop we went in, I changed his clothes and lectured him profusely. Then we came back to the car and he handed me his blanket. Also rather wet. So I gave it to DH to put into the trunk. He proceeded to feel it all over because he didn't believe me when I said it was wet. (This is the same man that didn't think munchkin needed his jammies changed after he was sick, despite both sleeves being covered with vomit.) I was exceedingly peeved. Still am a little, but I don't know how deal with it constructively.

It was a lousy start to the trip. When we arrived we offloaded, and hung out a bit. Then after MIL got home from church we took munchie up to the beach, and I then DH showed up to tell me work just called. At 4:30 on Friday. No one cares what I do when I'm there, but they sure do when I'm not.

I never really got squared away after that, between being peeved and being completely innundated with DH's family.

First DH's brother and his girlfriend, featuring a very large young lab who scared my dog making him very nervous and nasty. They stayed 'till sunday. Dodger didn't come out from under the side table the whole time.

Then the step daughter with fiance, her daughter and his 3 sons. They were only there for the afternoon. They left a little before dinner time which completely through MIL off on her timing. MIL kept saying over and over "aren't they going to leave".

Then Sunday morning brought DH's sister and her daughter. They are fun to be with but a little louder and higher energy that we are used to.

Too much input for me. I didn't sleep well and I really don't feel like I got a break at all. The bummer is that's it for leave until June. Sigh.

I need a rest.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen