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2002-03-24 - 7:12 p.m.

Oscar Night.

Well folks, this is as close to a holiday as we get here. Movie Mikey is just beside himself with anticipation. Will the Mikey awards be anything like the Oscars this year? (Don't count on it.)

I managed to get more info about the Mikey's than I really wanted today while we were having a conversation about the Oscars (one of the few adult type topics we actually can converse on). So he's rooting for Denzel Washington, a real possibility depending on how everyone was feeling about Russell Crowe when they voted. And of course Lord of the Rings. I think we both know that it's chances are pretty small, however it was our personal favorite for the year. It has so many things against it Academy-wise. It's fantasy, it's not a complete story, it's too popular to be "high art". It won the IMDB Oscar poll, which only means that on-line movie geeks rated it #1.

I don't think it will win, despite it being the only non-kids movie I saw all year (and I saw it twice!). [I started to say adult movie, but then I realized how that would read in current usage, and while I wouldn't mind seeing some of them pretty men in the all-together, that really wasn't what I was talking about.]

Another low-energy weekend. I guess I'm doing a bit of the depression thing again. I should probably consider some sort of therapy or drugs, I just am not sure how I'd pay for it. I make way to much money to have as little to spend as I do. Sigh.

And today's amazing unanswered question is: how can a small child throw up from coughing without actually waking up? He manuvered himself away from the mess, even covered most of it with the pillow (which appeared to have been turned over to mask the muck). He just never woke up, or at least not enough to consider coming to get me. Thank goodness I a) check him before I go to bed and b) I have a good sniffer. I'd never have known there was an issue if the smell hadn't cued me. I hate throw up sheets. I won't even get into the texture issues. Ick.

Happy Oscar Night!


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen