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About Me

Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-03-12 - 7:14 p.m.

101 Things about me.

I admit, I stole the idea from Alternamommy but I really liked it. I thought about doing something similar before but with fewer factiods. 101 things is a lot to think up.

101 Things:

  1. I am the youngest of six children.
  2. I was born on my sister's 14th birthday.
  3. My eldest brother is 21 years older than I am.
  4. I have 7 nephews, 4 nieces, 3 grand-nephews and 4 grand-nieces.
  5. My parents are both deceased.
  6. I rarely speak to my family.
  7. I have a Bachelors degree in Social Work.
  8. But I am a computer programmer.
  9. Most people seem suprised that I have a Masters Degree.
  10. That degree is in Mangement Information Systems.
  11. I will probably add another degree at some point.
  12. I am married.
  13. I have a son.
  14. He is named for the first paternal ancestor in this country on my husbands family tree.
  15. My child was born just before my 35th birthday.
  16. I have been married for 8 years.
  17. My husband was only the 6th person I ever dated.
  18. I sometimes wonder if I should have looked more.
  19. My husband and I were set up by friends.
  20. I earn a larger salary than my husband.
  21. I am neither an optimist, nor a pessimist but probably a cynic.
  22. Depression runs in my family.
  23. My paternal grandfather died in a mental institution.
  24. My parents grew up during the depression.
  25. My mother worked outside the home.
  26. I was a latch-key kid before it had a name.
  27. If I did what my parents did, it would be against the law and my child could be taken from me.
  28. I grew up in suburbia.
  29. I live in suburbia.
  30. I have a very large house.
  31. I am somewhat house poor.
  32. I live on the east coast.
  33. I have never been to the west coast.
  34. My favorite vacation spot is Las Vegas.
  35. Wyoming is a very close second.
  36. Last year I went to England for a weekend. It was definitely worth it.
  37. My most interesting past job was in a recording studio.
  38. My worst past job was cashier at Toy's R Us during the Christmas Season.
  39. The worst runner up was an inventory service, but it paid well.
  40. I owned my own home before I was married.
  41. I hate housework, so I pay someone to do it.
  42. I know I am spoiled.
  43. I enjoy gardening.
  44. I also like cooking.
  45. I do medieval re-creation.
  46. I've been told that I can be scary.
  47. People always come up to me on the street to ask directions.
  48. I scream when startled.
  49. I don't yell much otherwise.
  50. I never fight with my husband, but not because I wouldn't like to.
  51. I believe in following the rules.
  52. Except the speed limit, I have problems with that one.
  53. I'm polite to all but the most incompetent sales clerks.
  54. I fill out evaluation forms honestly and with lots of details.
  55. That always unnerved my college professors.
  56. I believe in God but am not a Christian.
  57. I don't write this journal to practice writing, but to practice thinking.
  58. I am not picky.
  59. I often do not have an opinion on things.
  60. I get angry quickly but get over it quickly.
  61. I forgive, but I never forget.
  62. I have too little free time.
  63. I used to play the saxophone.
  64. I own a piano, but rarely have the chance to play it.
  65. I suck at sports.
  66. I am extremely overweight.
  67. I like reality television, it makes me laugh.
  68. I think people are far more obsurd than they realize.
  69. I have a bunch of toys on my desk at work. Sometimes I play with them.
  70. I believe that not deciding is as much a choice as choosing.
  71. I'm a good liar, but I don't generally feel the need to lie.
  72. I feel guilty if I call out from work but am not really sick.
  73. Heck, I feel guilty if I call out from work and I am sick, but I will call out if munchie is sick.
  74. I sing along to the radio.
  75. I'm basically lazy, but easily bored.
  76. I try to pay off all my debts every 3 to 5 years. I'm having a hard time doing it.
  77. I do not collect anything.
  78. I have "grown up furniture".
  79. I am 40 and don't always feel particuarly grown up.
  80. I have met precisely 1 millionaire.
  81. I have never met anyone famous.
  82. I was on tv once. But only my sister's in-laws actually saw it.
  83. I cry at sad movies (and sometimes at sentimental tv commercials).
  84. I'm an internet news junkie.
  85. My in-laws have been married for 50 years. My parent's missed that mark by one year, due to my father's death.
  86. I doubt I would make that mark even if I lived long enough.
  87. After making decisions with unexpected consequences, I am trying harder to fully weigh the effects of my choices.
  88. I have been in a relationship where I cried myself to sleep every night. That was a while ago.
  89. I dated an impotent man and believed him when he said it was my fault. I know better now.
  90. I complain about my husband, but he is not bad or mean, just indifferent and often clueless.
  91. The only thing I can't do by myself in my household is pay the mortgage.
  92. I'm not a leader or an inspiration, but I try not to be a sheep.
  93. I take my responsibilities very seriously, so I try not to accumulate too many.
  94. I have a small furry dog. He was my first chosen family member.
  95. I enjoy walking. I have done several 10K walks (not bad for a fat chick).
  96. When I was young I rollerskated every week.
  97. I like gossip. I know that's a bad thing. But that's why I like diaries people tell me lots of interesting things in them.
  98. I have never been seriously ill. Nor have I broken a bone.
  99. I do not remember much of my childhood. I'm told that's unusual. I think it's because is it was boring.
  100. Science facinates me.
  101. I believe there are many things in the universe that we can't explain. Since we don't understand them, they may as well be magic. Therefore, I guess I believe in magic.

That's it.


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"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen