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2002-03-09 - 11:58 a.m.

Being Mom.

Yesterday, I was reading an entry someone else wrote and it really focused me on something. She was talking about how she used to be the scattered one, but now that her husband is busy as the family breadwinner she really has fallen into the "mom" role. She's home with the child, so she does the tidying up behind. Finding lost things, making sure things happen. It wasn't something she necessarily wanted or thought she could do, but she has in some way grown into it.

This morning that entry crossed my mind again and I realized that it is the "mom" role that I resent most in my life. Now don't get me wrong, munchkin is 5 and I'm not expecting him to take care of himself just yet. But damn it DH is 43 and he sure as hell ought to.

I wanted that mom role, but that was tied to that stay at home, grow vegetables, bake bread and raise babies dream. Instead I got the daycare, rush to work, fit life in at the edges dream. But I still get to take care of everything practical. I pay the bills - mostly because the first mortgage payment on the last house was late because I assumed he would take care of it and he didn't. I'm the one that arranges summer camp for munchie. I'm the one who buys everyone's clothing. Geeze I am really resentful of the things I have to do to make this house run smoothly. Doufus husband does nothing except watch tv, go to movies and play with trains.

So the weeks recap. Diet - up 3 pounds (it's a cruel world). Exercise - walked on 6 of 7 days. Other stuff - I actually told commander clueless that was planning to do 2 things without him this weekend because I wanted to spend time with friends because I'm lonely and he doesn't do it for me on that front. Somehow I think he missed the major point of that revelation. His loss.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen