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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-03-08 - 7:17 p.m.


Many moons ago it was decided that my totem animal was the rabbit. Timid, quiet, startles easily. Heck I can even wiggle my nose like a bunny.

I think, however, that I prefer the elephant. What great critters they are.

I am in heaven when the circus is in town because I work right next door to the arena. The elephants just make me grin from ear to ear. I always watch them go for the elephant walk - where all the elephants walk from the arena to Lexington Market and are fed by the grocers there. Two years ago I actually twisted my ankle because I was so busy watching them wash an elephant as I walked past that I missed the uneven sidewalk. Still I grinned the whole limping way back.

I happened to be on a lunch time walk yesterday when I noticed a traffic cop holding traffic against the light. I muttered some extremely rude thing and then saw why - it was an elephant. And some circus people too, but really an amazing huge bull elephant.

He was just moseying on down to the Inner Harbor where the ring master - who is truely incredible - ran a little show to drum up some business. They had clowns and acrobats and the elephant. They were calling him the worlds smartest elephant and I believe them. He was great! Lots of good tricks. He helped the clown riding him get down. He even did his business straight into the wheelbarrow. The scooper guy didn't even have to scoop a thing.

I got a clown nose too!

Hee Hee. I love circus time.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen