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2002-02-28 - 9:05 p.m.

Rant & Roar.

I have so had it with family torture night. I rush home to feed guests who do such joyous things as tell everyone to be quiet so they can listen to the messages on their cell phone. It is too damn annoying. How the hell do I get out of doing it?

While I'm ranting, why do the maids feel the need to touch every bit of hanging paper and every towel in the house? Geeze I do not need the person who just scrubbed my toilet refolding my bath towel. I also don't need them putting points on every roll of tp in the house. And what sort of demented weirdness causes them to fold the end of my papertowels. GRRR.

I'm feeling like a total hypocrite lately. I try to be nice to webguy, I do have to work with him after all, but I am simultaneously constantly ranting about his incompetence. I am so done with redoing his work. So I am nice to his face and trying to get him sent packing simultaneously. I feel like a total jerk.

I'd hate to be rotten to him and get him all rotten to me and then we would have no hope of working well together. But I am really pissed that he comes to me as though there is a data issue for me to fix when it's really just shit code in his pages.

He is out for 3 days, and he told one user to contact me with any issue. I instantly got an entire pages worth. Some of them looked like data issues, but I'm over halfway through and they've all been bad code.

We changed databases to fix some of our data issues, but he only changed half of the pages to reference the new database. The pages show the same value for Interest Rate and APY because he put the same field on both lines.

I swear in 3 days I will have touched nearly all of his pages. It's really pissing me off.

Also on the ugly list is the fact that bossman and princess have completely isolated me from the consultant who did presentations this week. I'm gonna end up being the poor schmoe who has to make all the systems play nice, but I'm not even permitted to sit in on the meetings. Sigh.

On a plus note the fat older chick was not the first one off survivor! Go Tricia! I'd really have been unhappy if the wacko stayed and she left.

**UPDATE** And I got Dizboy quoted, YEA! But I forgot to say who I was when I sent it in (from work, so it's not even guessable). Boo. And Dizboy isn't updating right now anyway. BooHoo. TTFN.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen