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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-02-09 - 4:53 p.m.

When last we left our heros ...

It's been almost a week. Geeze, I didn't intend for it to be that long.

The pain below my shoulder blade was either a pulled or strained muscle. I never felt it pull, but it hurt as though I had. I can not believe the contortions I went through to avoid the pain associated with using that muscle. Unfortunately it was one associated with breathing deeply, so I spent a bunch of the week with shallow breath and an occasional painful gasp. I spent Monday night in bed from 6 on.

Now that aside, the back didn't keep me off-line all week. I just seemed to find other things more enticing. Mostly my puzzle. It's far enough along that it just makes me want to keep working on it. I'm not sure why it's so compelling, but it is.

So coming back and reading my email, it seems like a good thing I was not online. There was a discussion that I feel better served to have stayed out of. Not that I don't have reams of feelings about the topic, just that by the time I logged on the point was moot anyway. Which is good, the whole thing left me feeling icky anyway. Particuarly the parsimonious commentary from some folks who really have no room to talk.


So today is a day of rest. Since I'm just barely back to normal, it didn't make sense to jump into the next project immediately. So I've just done a little light housekeeping, a ton of laundry, and a lot of puzzle building.

This past week at work has been one of upheaval as well. A new big boss position was created and filled. And a soon as the paperwork is completed I will no longer be an employee of the ancient and venerable bank of Baltimore, I will instead be an employee of the Trust and Wealth Management Company a separate and wholly owned subsidiary of the holding company that owns the ancient and venerable bank of Baltimore.

I can't help but note that the room that I finished re-doing is in the Career Gua of my home's Feng Shui layout. Funny that much of what I do at work will be now similar, but different. Hopefully different in the spiffier sense that matches my spiffy room re-do.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen