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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-01-06 - 3:47 p.m.

Jumping right in.

So I've already managed to miss nearly an entire week of posting. Life has just been zooming along.

So let's see where was I. Oh yeah I guess I checked in on Tuesday. Wednesday I decided that I did not need weight watchers to tell me that my weight is up a couple pounds (I can do that just fine on my own), so I blew it off in favor of a movie. I went to Harry Potter (didn't figure I could do a three hour stint for LofRs).

Thursday was an evening of preparation for yet another night of entertaining. Seems the in-laws decided to stop by our place on the way to FLA. So I figured my SIL's would want to see them too. Strangely MIL didn't understand why I would invite them since it was a work night. I guess she just thought it was too much trouble. I just figured we're pissed when they come to town and we don't get invited - so why should I support that kind of behaviour?

Neeless to say that lead to dinner for 10 after a full day of work. That blew Thursday for prep time and Friday for the actual dinner.

Saturday was 12th Night. It was quite a nice time. I schmoozed bunches of folks I don't see enough and there was minimal drama. I missed one court, but there were 2 peerages at the one I attended both of which were just splendid. Lots of pomp and pagentry. Fine words spoken, and even though I wasn't familiar with the young man being honored, I thought it was delightful.

My only drama was with seating for dinner. I didn't see space with my first choice companions, so I didn't sweat it and chose another spot. Unfortunately the folks I chose to sit with overbooked the table and informed my nicely that I couldn't sit there anymore. I must say that dealing with feast seating has been a bugaboo for me since I was baroness. Fortuantely I think I've grown up a bit. I simply took a deep breath, went out for 5 minutes to let people settle in, then went out and found me an empty spot. Fine dining companions as it turned out.

Some random observations:

Being on the fringe of the SCA is very odd, but unless you can manage the time for a lot of activities, you tend to remain on the fringe simply because you aren't remembered. I mean people are happy to hang out with me when they see me, but it's more the nice coincidence type thing. I'm not expected and I don't generally hear from folks any other time. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I know I can't put a lot of time into playing but it's hard to be an outsider.

Just because I really like someone and admire them greatly, doesn't mean they will give me so much as a hello even when I've just complimented them on something.

One individual who claims to be quite happy never seems to smile. I wonder why? If I could say the things about my life that she says of hers, I would smile non-stop.

I have found that I love complimenting people on the things that I see that have brought me joy. It really makes me happy to tell someone the nice things I've thought about them, sort of crowds out the bad things I might otherwise think.

My goodness there were a lot of babies at the event.

I also had the strange occasion of being hit on by a new guy. He made it clear he was looking and was very interested in whether I was married. It was very strange.

This is too long, so I'll be off (but we knew that).


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen