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2001-12-09 - 9:13 a.m.

This is helping?

Munchkin snores like a buzzsaw, so at this years pediatrician appointment I mentioned it. This led to an appointment with an ENT who sent us for a sleep study.

Yikes! This is supposed to help us?!

Before I say anything else about it, I must go on record as saying I have the most cooperative child in the world. He not only let them put the 20 or 25 wires all over him, he didn't play with them or pull them off and he even managed to sleep some with them on. In fact not only did the technician say he was the best 5 year old she'd ever tested, he beat out most the older kids and several adults.

And how exactly is it you are expected to sleep during a sleep study with all these wires attached? His whole little face was covered in wires. He had another 4 or 5 stuck to his scalp with goop. They were on his chest and leg. And the apparently most annoying was the pulse monitor on his finger (which as a bonus, glowed red all night). Then there's a monitor that registers his breathing in his nose. You breath through the nose it goes "bip...bip". If you go a certain amount of time without breathing through your nose it goes "beep-beep-beep". You roll over and kink the tubes "beep-beep-beep". All damn night "beep-beep-beep".

I don't know how he did it. I personally ended up exhausted. The test was at the brand new hospital. Where all the rooms are private. Which means where I could have slept in the next bed in the old hospital (last week). I had to sleep in the bed with wire boy. He ended up a little tired - which he dealt with partly by sleeping the whole way home in the car. I am just dead tired.

I know this kid is getting tired of the doctors. I'm sure we'll have to go back to the ENT for the results of this test. Plus we still have the "digestive disorders" doctor to see. Why do I have the feeling he'll just tell me to get more fiber into the munchie.

Snore ....


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen