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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2001-11-07 - 9:17 p.m.


So I've been heating up the eyebrows with a bit of introspection lately. I started out with a simple question. What 3 things would I change about my life if I could change anything. I came up with the first one right away and but I've spent the last 2 days pondering the others.

Of course I have a couple of conclusions and of course I will share them with y'all. First off I think I need to get a grip and stop whining. I shouldn't be bummed or depressed or grumpy because I have it darn good. Probably better than something like 95 percent of everyone. In the whole world that is. I mean wow when you think of it I have a nice husband, a healthy child, a nice house, a good job. I don't want for any of lifes basics and I have a heck of a lot of the extras. Sure there are flaws in me, my husband and my son but fer god sakes I need to get in touch with my inner thankful. I need to study Pollyanna again and learn to quit my bitchin'.

So what would I change? My reflection. I'm too damn fat. It hurts to be this fat. I'm at a new high and of all the things I could achieve this ain't the goal I was after. Time to lose a little weight. They say if you lose just 5% of your weight you will see health benefits. So that's my primary goal. If I lose more great, if not I'll try and hold at that loss.

The second thing I want to change will follow. I want to be more active - bike and skate and such. Those will have to wait on a bit of weight loss. I can walk now but that's about it.

Finally after beating my head about the one more change I decided not to decide. I think I'll just work on using my free time a little better. See if I can't do some of the to do list, make some garb, read some more, organize the photos ... that kind of stuff.

So that's my mission. Let's see how it looks after a nights sleep!


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen