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2001-11-06 - 9:20 p.m.


Is it only me or do other folks read diarys and say to themselves "well geeze no wonder you have a problem, you're missing the whole point"? I do it a bunch. It makes me wonder what butt-obvious thing I'm missing in my own life.

I mean, geeze, everyone has their own little blinders about something. So what are mine? I could delude myself into believing I have a grip on all of it, but seriously I doubt it. I'm not that clever. So what am I missing?

I think of 2 diarys and 1 acquaintance where I just can't imagine they don't see that they have the answer to their own problems. First the lady who is in a tizzy because her son stole from her twice (or is it 3 times now). Mind you he's gotten away with it everytime. She just frets and her husband seem involved, from her descriptions. She's so caught up in the "how could he have grown up so rotten" not to see that no consequences are a real indicator. I wonder how many consequences he faced when he did wrong growing up?

Next the lady who is always ragging on her husband. She has constant complaints about him. What he does and doesn't do. But she doesn't ever write that shes considered leaving and it doesn't sound like she says to him what's on her mind. She always writes things like "I waited for him to explain himself". Huh? Does she think he reads her mind? She gives him more credit for knowing how much he bugs her than for anything else he does.

Then there's webguy at work. He's divorcing his wife. Has a new girlfriend that he had an online thing going with before he left his wife. Then one day he and wife got in a fight and she said something like "if you feel that way you should leave" and he decided that meant she was throwing him out. But heaven knows it wasn't his fault the marriage broke up. And heaven help anyone who suggests that his fling broke up his marriage. He'll deny that forever. Except that I got the blow by blow as it happened and that's how I'd call it. He just doesn't see it that way.

So what am I missing. Am I rewriting my history or ignoring the consequences of my actions. That's what I'm thinking on, but I have no idea if I'll figure it out.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen