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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2001-11-04 - 2:10 p.m.


It's a nice lazy day today. Not as do nothing as I'd like since munchkins seem to require extra attention on lazy days but still a good mix of munchkin, minor tasks and bits of nothing.

Yesterday ended up being a fine day. I ran my errands happily. Went to the luncheon, which was not bad.

The sil's promised me an elegant, girly lunch. I think I have higher standards of elegant. It was a little hole in the wall place, half antique shop, half tea house. The menu had less than 10 choices, but the food was quite good. It was about 10 tables only 3 or 4 of which were ever full, but it was only one waitress so the service sucked. Pleasant enough.

It does bring to mind, however, that when people thing of a great gift or a great outing its invaribly one that they think is great. If they had bothered to know what I think is great we would never have gone there. I think the trick is to find someone who has the same taste in outings that you do.

My most excellent eating out experiences have been with Beth. I think the favorite by and large was Harris crab house on mothers day. Sitting outside, me cracking crabs, her sampling a bit of this and that and then eating the homemade nutty buddies for desert. Plus there was the excellent Ruth Cris outing. We had excellent meals in London too. Especially the little lunch place off Covent Gardens and the Italian place down the street from the flat. Yep, when it comes to eating out we are well suited (except that I don't like sushi and she loves it).

Then the evening was Disney on Ice. Not too much of a pain at all. Easy to park on my monthly pass. Good seats. Plus munchkin was quite interested in the show. More so than last years. Of course we dropped and extra $15 for the "show light" and the amazing price of $6 for the popcorn but otherwise an excellent outing.

Off to read a bit I think.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen