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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2001-10-14 - 7:01 p.m.

I hate Walmart (and other truths).

Remind me in case I ever again am tempted, how very much I hate Walmart. I don't think the best deal they have in the store comes anywhere near the chaos and frustration associated with shopping there. I was seduced by the early morning hours to attempt to buy some pants for munchkin. Unfortunately the jeans I got were no bigger than the ones we put aside because they were too tight. So I made the trek to Walmart, receipt in hand to return them. The 30 second transaction required a 30 minute wait. And I was only the 4th person in line. Inexplicably, however, just as it was my turn the "customer service" person decided not to wait on any more customers. Even more puzzling about 15 minutes later she changed her mind. In the meantime the line behind me had grown by about 20 people. GRRR. Never again.

I went to a family birthday party this weekend. I enjoy hanging out with my sisters. They definitely validate my feelings on many things so that I know I'm not being unreasonable - like on the no gifts, no cake just a sappy card for my birthday, they agree that DH was an idiot. I'm not sure it made me feel better though, thinking about it just makes me feel worse and worse.

On the plus side the festivities were in honor of one of my grand-nephews. He turned 2. This is astonishing in the fact that he is an amazingly normal little 2 year old. Two years ago, he was nearly dead. He was born with a malformed heart. It is a great tribute to his parents that if you never saw him with his shirt off, you'd never know. They found the best care and even changed when it was apparent they could do better. His mom worked tirelessly with him catching him up with rolling over, sitting, eating, crawling and walking. He is a great joy to see.

Sadly they are too scared to have another. It's a shame because they are wonderful parents.

I've discovered over the last week that many people will ask what you did on your trip. None of them really want to hear. Even my husband didn't listen - he was too anxious to tell me about stuff so stupid I don't even remember what it was. Bless my sisters they actually sat still long enough for me to tell what I did.

To add insult to injury on the Birthday front, I actually got two cards in the mail, that I didn't actually see until yesterday. My sister was horrified to find out that I hadn't gotten her card (I was born on her 14th birthday, so we never forget each others special day). I got home and realized that I didn't have a card from the in-laws either. When I mentioned it to DH he got real nasty with me and told me I most certainly did get a card from his parents (like I would lie about such a thing?). Turns out Mister Brain Scientist put half my mail in the recycle pile with the newspapers. GRRR.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen