Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2001-09-28 - 7:30 p.m.

Happy things.

I've been busy, busy this week during my off hours and practically snoring at work. Funny how that works. I suppose there are fabulous things I could start at work but most of them are things my boss doesn't really want me to do. He's funny that way - I have the time, but he likes to pretend that I'm too busy to do things like help the other departments or make changes to existing software. Sigh.

Evenings however, have been rather eventfull. Between the normal munchkin activities, a doctor appointment for munchie, my swimming class, the jewish holiday and family dinner night, I just don't feel like I've parked it for more than 1/2 at a time.

When I read about all my childless friends who run errands, sew, go out to dinner and catch the latest tv shows I sometimes get a twinge of envy. It's short lived, though, because nothing beats a munchkin cuddle. He's still at a young enough age that he'll lay with his head in my lap and let me stroke his hair. Or he'll give me a seriously monster hug. But I'm only allowed to kiss him on the lips. No forhead kissed, cheek kisses or definitely not anywhere else. He's very rigid on that.

The swimming class should be a happy thing, if the darned instructors would leave me alone. I've been swimming since I was 5, I swam well enough in college to get an A in the class, but these guys won't give it a rest. Or rather they don't think I give it enough rest. I don't glide enough on my resting strokes. I'm working too hard. Geeze can't I be the judge of that? Hrumph.

The coolness and rain have helped relieve the alergies. And I am loving sleeping in the cool air. The woods out back have opened up a bit as some of the viney stuff dies off which reminds me of what I loved best when we moved in last year at this time.

And less than a week to London! Yeah!


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen