Deb's Place


Our Excellent Hosts
Say Howdy
About Me

Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2001-09-23 - 10:00 a.m.

Now we are five.

Friday after about a month of stress fest, Munchkin turned 5. When I woke him up to a "Happy Birthday" he said: "Five. When did this happen? I just can't belive it".

Went to work. Left around noon, I had planned it that way but my computer started acting posessed so it seemed like the right time to go. Did a lightning trip through the grocery - the lady behind me in line said "I'd get behind you every time, you are really moving." Gathered cupcakes and juice and arrived at Will's school about 20 minutes too early. Sat in the car for a while, sat in the office for a while. Went to the class and waited there.

I was astonished how quiet it was despite 23 5 year olds. After cupcakes I stuck around to watch. I've decided that these women rule with an iron fist. I also felt like I was terribly in the way, and when I said I would like to volunteer in the class I was told they had enough volunteers (HUH?). Who'd have thunk it. Nope I don't like these women at all.

Party day was sunny - I was up before dawn. Unfortunately while I hoped for a bit of quite prep time, the boys got up within minutes of me. I'd been working on preparations bit by bit all week so by 9 I was pretty much ready.

By 10 the moon bounce had still not arrived and I was a basket case. I got a call around 10:20 they were lost. Luckily they arrived by about 10:40 and in about 10 minutes it was up. Phew. Children began arriving promptly at 11 (the party time on the invite), and play time started.

Suprising things. Everyone who came had RSVP'd - I had figured there'd be some who didn't. About half the moms stayed - I thought more would since none of them knew us. I had tons of leftovers. Food planning for kids should be done on a much smaller scale than big people. And I don't think those moms ate hardly anything.

Everyone played, ate, played, ate cake, and played some more. Then promptly at 2 they left, per the invite. And I collapsed for a while, cleaned for a while, collapsed for a while. Since the bouncer was up till at least 6 the twins from next door came over for a while later and there was more bouncing and playing. Finally the highly expensive jumbo swing set is getting a workout!

And I am pooped! And buried under a ton of laundry, so off to work I go.


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"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen