Deb's Place


Our Excellent Hosts
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About Me

Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2001-08-27 - 7:04 p.m.

School Days.

Well munchkin survived his first day of school. Everything went smoothly. He is, however, a bit confused about what is kindergarten. When he showed my husband his "classroom" it was the parks & rec room that he took him to. There was a nice thick folder full of school junk mail upon his return. Ah yes my favorite school memory - school accident insurance (so how much do you get if you just lose a pinkie?). And a sales packet for YACK! gift wrap. No note no info, just a packet - like I'm gonna send a not quite 5 year old special ed student door to door with a gift wrap packet! NOT!

In other news the passport arrived! Hooray! I'm going to London, I'm going to London. (yeah I know, I gotta get out more)

My bosses first words upon my return were: "and I didn't even call you". Doh! Could that be because I have everything working! The only thing that has screwed my systems up in the last few months is mainframe issues.

Why is it that I continue to profess to want to lose weight, but my house is full of junk food?

I think I took too long on my errands on Sunday. I left after breakfast but by the time I bought the new toilet handle at the Home Depot (we broke the old one 15 minutes before leaving for the beach), the new skivvies at the Target (the abondanza sized foundations I bought last weren't quite abondanza enough - so I had to trade up for some molto-abondanzas), the Sam's run for bulk foods, and then groceries it must have been half past lunch. Nothing like hunger to really junque up the pantry!

And I still can't figure out what to cook for dinner. Concession Obsession anyone?

Today at work I read the 100 emails - I know I'm a light weight. Tracked 5 days of data (they're afraid we'll lose some or something). Researched 2 minor problems. Did some personal accounting - love those reimbursement accounts, hate those Dermatologist bills.

I mailed a card to Miss Natalie today. I have another for later in the week and some nice note cards too. I'm thinking, though, that I might go with some post cards - that would be different. I think she might enjoy that too.

Then joy of joys I had time to browse this wonderful site. I went to Uncle Bob's Place OHMYGOD he is so funny. I've got to add him to my favorites. Thank goodness I have the sense not to drink my Diet Dr P while reading or this entry would surely have caused it to pass through my nose.

hee hee

enough name dropping -


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen