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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2001-07-26 - 6:59 p.m.

Damn Proxy

Well, I discovered that I can't do any entries from work. I can get around a little in diaryland but not to any member pages. Heaven forfend that anyone at work should spend a little time on the net doing things that are not work related. Guess that's what I get for working at a bank!

All this set up by the amazing E-Bay addict boss. At the height of his addiction he was getting up to 20 boxes a day delivered at the office. I think he finally rented a U-store for the stuff (he never took it home)because his boss complained.

So first you eliminate the porn sites -- very reasonable. Then you eliminate outside email -- could get a virus through the mail. Then entertainment sites, any off the wall sites and a strange selection of other stuff. Funny thing is that we've never been blocked from the sports sites.

It's a man's, man's, man's, man's world.

Every time he works on the proxy we lose something else. Plus of course he monitors usage through the proxy to identify "problem sites". So the rule is never spend too much time on sites you really like or you'll lose them.

I guess I'm stuck with posting in evening -- lets see if I can keep it up.

Today has been infinitely better than yesterday, no systems blew up, no databases got wiped out. Phew! I guess that will teach me to accept the data from the mainframe without some serious testing!

Then DH was in a mood at home. Not sure what was up with that - I didn't ask and God knows he'll never tell. He probably thinks I was in a mood. I just came home from the day from hell and started dinner - heck, I even asked him how his day was. He's the one that started eating before I could even get the munchkin to the table and barely said two words.

Weird, as usual.

Just another day in pardise ....

PS: For an absolutely stunning read go to "Death penalty over coffee at Sparky's" by John David Powell at

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen