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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2001-07-27 - 7:22 p.m.

Elevator Etiquette


What is it about elevators that makes men think they are being polite by just standing there, in the way of course, and waiting for women to get off first? It's a damn little box with a littler door. Why can't people just get off or get out of the way?

I'm sure the men 'being polite' to me today are still talking about me (hmm that's probably a vain thought) as the crazy fat lady on the elevator. I ended up on the local instead of the express - 12 floors between me and the lobby. I got to the back corner like a good dooby because I was riding to the bottom. Add and subtract people (on at 10 off at 9, on at 9, on at 7 off at 5 ...) We hit the lobby 2 of the 5 very large men in the elevator get off while 1 just stands in front of the door and the other 2 just sort of mill around waiting for him to move.

Finally I snapped. I told (yelled at?!) them to get out of the way so I could get off. I ended up pushing around them. It was ridulous.

The whole ladies first thing can be nice but quite frankly it's too confusing. I never know anymore whether to wait or push ahead. No one ever gives a verbal cue or even a physical cue -- they just stand there.


Ahh, I feel much better.

My office is among some of the worlds oldest living business men, and I think they all fancy themselves gentlemen. I wish they'd get over it.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen