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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2007-03-13 - 1:16 p.m.


The time change is still kicking my butt. Not that I went into it ready and rested. I've been having a duece of a time getting back in the groove since Mexico.

Also kicking my butt (and arms, shoulders, back, legs and particularly calves) is the current project to repaint the master bath. Step one was to remove the wallpaper border. I allotted an hour or two for the task. It took 5. About 2 hours in I was wondering why I had thought it needed to come down. If I hadn't started removing it, I could have painted around it. It wasn't hideous, just not my taste.

Add to that the fact that the bathroom has many strange spaces. The toilet, for instance, is in it's own little nook. No room for the ladder, no room for a stepstool and in case anyone has missed this from previous posts - I'm short. I ended up putting the ladder in sideways and not fully locked (no space), straddling the toilet. I can't wait to revisit that when cutting in the ceiling edge. I also had to stand on the counters (not so bad) and stand on the tub edge (on tiptoes). Yep, I hurt.

On the amusing side of things DST ended up being a comedy of errors at work. They patched the servers, went to check them and found them wrong. So they fixed them, and when they checked they were wrong again (ad nauseum). Seems many of the servers get their time from a global time server that no one had bothered to fix and apparently no one still employed by the company has a password to. If a couple of the guys (who I like) hadn't spent hours on it the whole thing would be hysterically funny.

I also had my meeting with the big boss last week. The results do not wildly delight me, but don't suck either. Last week I also found out interesting things about working in an at-will state. While it means that the company can fire me at any time with or without cause, it also means I can leave at any time no matter what I've agreed to otherwise. So basically a retention bonus can be offered to me if I go the distance but I can not be legally made to stay long enough to get it even if I said I would.

I have Mexico pictures. They have made it from the camera to the PC. They are at best, random. Lots of 2 and 3 fors - as my camera automatically does that if you hold the button down too long. I want to post some but I just haven't gotten that far yet.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen