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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2006-11-30 - 2:35 p.m.

Minor Chaos.

Things at work are not fun for an entirely different reason than usual. The main application I support is old and now with probably less than a year to go it's hardware is dying. First just the rebooting. Then rebooting but not coming back up without someone pressing a key. Then this morning it totally lost it's mind. It was up and it looked like it was running, but it wasn't really running. It wouldn't process at all. It came back after power cycling the box, but the writing is on the wall. I forsee weekend work in my future as we try to bring it up as a virtual server (it's software is too old for current operating systems and it's old operating system is too old for current hardware). Just what I need going into the holiday season.

So, what else have I been up to? Dang if I can remember. Work, eat, sleep. Actually that sounds grim. I work, shop at lunch, work some more, head home, pick up the fruits of my internet shopping off the porch, read email, eat dinner, then park in front of the tv because the boy has claimed the computer due to some new game hubs bought.

Last night was a bit different, sort of a run around kind of night. Zip home, await the boys. Grab them, zip out to the orthodontist. Get small spacers placed in preparation for a "lip bumper". Go to dinner. Come home and start on the homework. Resume regular evening schedule already in progress.

Today I had hoped to run errands (aka Christmas shop) at lunch but I had to stay and babysit the dying server. Now I'm trying to figure out when I'll get to go. It's not like it has to be done today, but I'd prefer if it were done soon for a variety of reasons. The husband predicted I'd be done shopping by December 1st but doesn't look like I'll be even close.

Tonight's out as I have to stay to the end of the day to install a certificate on a different server. Then it's family dinner night, plus I have to go to the grocery tonight to get stuff for the sandwich tray I agreed to make for "Disability Awareness Day" at the school tomorrow. I figure I'll get the stuff tonight and make the sandwiches before work tomorrow. I can drop them with another PTA lady down the street and she'll take them in for the lunch. Needless to say I also need to babysit the server which makes the timing (which was a fine idea when I had it) suddenly stressful because it's stepping on time I actually need to be at work.

Ho Ho Ho!

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen