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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2006-09-22 - 2:16 p.m.

Good Things.

I know I've been pretty whiney lately. I'm pretty wrecked in real life too. I've lost my grip on many things (though it's mostly small stuff like running out of staple groceries and forgetting tasks even if I've talked about them). I'm still sad and stressed out at work, though the big boss made a point of telling me to hang in there because the re-org was imminent and that if I need anything I can go to him.

All that said, today I thought I'd focus on some of the good things.

The boy. He's been pretty reasonable lately. I like the way we've been interacting and working things out. He's pretty good about considering his options, making a choice and living with the consequences of it. It means less bickering about reading, music practice and other chores. He also cracks me up. He was chilly this week (it got down to 55 at night) and was pretty mad that I wouldn't let him wear gloves to school. He told me he would get frostbite and it would be my fault.

The gym. I really like the new gym. It's not a meat market and I don't ever feel out of place. It might be worse if I tried a group class, but right now nothing fits my schedule so I'm not sweating that possibility. I've been working on building a consistent routine for lifting and finding the right weight for each muscle group. I found the limits on the upper body pretty quickly (I'm pretty weak) but not on the lower body yet. I'm also in a groove on the treadmills and while I haven't moved up my level yet I'm pretty consistently doing a faster speed, so I may be able to do that soon.

The weather. Not my doing but damn has it been pleasant out.

This weekend is the boy's party. Getting past that will be a huge weight off me. Hopefully there will be some extended family contact in October. After that, I don't know. I'm torn between saving cash for Mexico and making a jaunt to Vegas. I'll have to think on it.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen