Deb's Place


Our Excellent Hosts
Say Howdy
About Me

Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-10-07 - 10:09 a.m.

Highs and Lows.

The week has been crazy. Crazy busy, crazy annoying, crazy insane. It was already a busy week but it just went weird.

First the amazing, cool swag items arrived on my doorstep yesterday! Hooray! So much for the highs.

Monday and Tuesday evenings had been absorbed in the effort to rid our home computer of ad-ware. A particularly insidious variety took up residence and while I've disabled it, I can't seem to totally get rid of it.

Wednesday upon my arrival at work featured the announcement that I had a meeting in 30 minutes for the major weekend project. That would be this weekend and that would be the first I've heard of it. The day went down hill from there. It was a very strange combination of intense and agonizing and exhilarating all at once.

The evening featured family torture night which wasn't too much torture as they gave me a birthday cake and everything. I didn't play the messages when I got home and ended up missing the call back on the after school program until Thursday.

Thursday opened with a trip to the orthodontist for the boy. The nice dentist said "he's not a very thorough brusher" and "I have good news and bad news". Turns out the boy will need work (that was obvious) and it is still too soon to start.

Dropped the boy at school earlier than I expected. Ran one of my several errands before hitting work. Spent the quickest 4 hours of my career. Busy in so many ways.

Got home and made that return phone call. Turns out to be the worst possible scenario. 1) they can't seem to get teachers for 2 of our 3 classes, 2) if they can get teachers they may have the restriction of another adult sits in the room the whole time, 3) classes can't start monday as advertised any way you look at it. So the rest of the evening was create a delay notice and address it to the kids who have signed up. Finish the paperwork that I had to get done and the cooking that I need to get done for the weekend.

Now it's Friday. I have a meeting in 45 minutes to find out what my work responsibilities are for this weekend (which torques me - it's too late to be giving me reponsibilities).

Tonight I have Bingo night and I have to pack for the event this weekend. The event is Sat and Sunday morning. Work may nab the edges of Sunday morning. The boy has requested Halloween costume shopping for Sunday plus have to make up the grocery shopping and laundry that won't have been done due to the Friday activites. I also need to call all the K/1 afterschool participants to ensure they got the notice that the program is delayed. Monday I have off (YAH!). Hopefully I can do some shopping, get my hair cut, get the swag prepped and get a few more of my energy sucking items taken care of. Then back to the calling for the afterschool program.

Too much.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen