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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-09-14 - 1:12 p.m.

Let them eat cake!

Cake production went well. The 4am realization that I had promised to go downtown yesterday to load icons reminded me that I could skip home a touch early for baking. The cake is an easy one to make but timing is everything. It is just so easy to over cook it and end up with a big dense brownie instead of a cake with a gooey fudgy middle. The difference between the two is measured in mere minutes. And Hubs definitely prefers for me to err on the side of undercooked.

I had hoped to zip home, bake, wrap and rest. Typically, though, the reality was zip home, start the cake, realize there aren't enough eggs in the house, go to the store, finish mixing, put the cake in the oven, wrap the presents, and have the boys walk in the door. Hubs liked his pressies (since he picked them) and the cake came out of the oven just as it was time to start dinner. By desert time the cake was just right, still warm but cool enough to eat.

Moving the cake from pan to plate caused many structural integrity issues. That is, however, a sign of the perfect doneness. The top of the cake cracks and collapses because the gooey middle just can't hold it up.

I followed dinner with a brief foray into email. The main event was a response to a friend on the topic of why other people would rather think the worst of you than ask the truth. Yee gods but people behave stupid! And they're never stupid singly. The more I think about it the more I think it's a quality/quantity issue. The less quality in the people involved the more quantity of people they will clump together with to make themselves feel "right" (good, moral, smart -whatever).

I fell into bed fairly early as the lack o sleep is killing me. Zonked right away only to be awakened 15 minutes later because the child wanted "one more hug". Sadly what he got with it was a fairly formidable tongue lashing about waking me up. I must have been pretty adamant, the poor thing apologized again first thing this morning.

There's just a few more hurdles this week. Family torture night tonight, Back to School night tomorrow and then we're around to the weekend again. Hopefully it will be fortified with extra sleep.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen