Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-08-28 - 5:32 p.m.

Since Vacation.

I took advantage of Thursday to offer the boy an opportunity to do something. I offered zoo(s) and museums. He chose the children's museum he'd been to with camp earlier in the summer. It was ok but I'd definitely make some changes if I were in charge. There were activities that were story based, but the story wasn't imparted in a way the kids could get it. Too many words is the best was to describe it. We did the egyptian tomb but I don't think he got any of the play along story. We did the mystery house but neither of us had a clue what it was about until we got to the end. Summing up it seems the reason he really wanted to go to this particular place was the gift shop. One of his fellow summer campers had bought something but he hadn't had any money. It was the one place in the museum he just had to go. On the plus side he did the "game show" they had and got to catch balls in a basket on his head (he ended up getting 1/3 of his teams total points). He also made cotton candy (even if he didn't want to eat it). Finally about the time I'd had enough he requested lunch then home. It ended up being a really nice outing.

Friday I deliberately avoided folder filling at the school. I figure I've done my time on that chore. Instead I washed and de-sanded my car (another hazard of driving to and from the beach). That took most of the morning. In the afternoon we went to the school open house. The boy has a teach who looks oh so young. ("What is she, seventeen?", asked a fellow mom.) The kids in the classes are mostly the same so there was some catching up with the other moms and dads. Then I sent him to eat a sno-cone while I did just a little PTA politicing.

Outside at the sno-cones the boy found the friend he'd been trying to get together with all summer. And low and behold a playdate was made for saturday. His first. It went so well they had another today. A milestone that's been a long time coming - a friend that he wants to hang out with who also wants to hang out with him. Pretty good stuff!

In the end I let the husband manage yesterday's playdate as I had one of my own. I agonized over whether I had the energy for it, but in the end I spent yesterday at a fair with a friend and her sister. It was nice enough. There were antiques and crafts. Unfortunately it rained most the morning so I spent about 4 hours being wet. I bought a couple small baubles but nothing big. There was a truely amazing antiques store there, though. It could be worth a trip back.

Today has been chores, a shorter playdate with the boy's friend, and not much else. Summer's ending with a whimper not a bang.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen