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2005-08-03 - 7:34 p.m.

Things I love...

A couple diarists have done lists of 100 things they love. I'm pretty sure I don't have the fortitude for a full hundred but here's a few from my list.

Diary entries with really clever titles. I'm a sucker for them. Today's winner was Giuliana. The woman has taken it to a whole new level. Bravo!

The fact that my boy will still love me in public. Every morning we have a little ritual. The camp starts in a large gym area on basketball courts. It's down a floor and there is a balcony above it on the street level. After we go over the schedule of the day and hug and kiss he always says "will you wave to me from up there". It is sweet to have him yelling up to me that he loves me and blowing (and catching) kisses. I'm treasuring it because I know the days are numbered just like rocking in the rocking chair. He's growing but thank goodness not too fast.

My tattered flowers. The zinnias are finally filling things out in the front bed. They seemed a bit slow starting this year but they are filling the space slowly but surely with little splashes of color. They are wonderful but always tattered and missing petals. Never nice enough to cut. I don't mind, though, because I know that they are tattered from the goldfinches eating the flower petals. That doesn't deter the butterflies either as they just want the nectar at the center.

A really good book. I plowed through my latest in just 3 good sittings. It was an Artemis Fowl book, very enjoyable. They are kids books, light and fun.

Fixing a problem when you don't know how. Today the gym's computer was fritzed up. I had only an idea of what could be wrong and still managed to fix it for my favorite frazzled employee.

Looking forward to things. I'm seriously looking forward to my JournalCon/Vegas outing. I have an idea for Con swag, but I'm not sure it's a good choice as it references a joke from last JournalCon which I did not attend. I'm wondering if it's presumptuous to refer to something I wasn't even there for.

Parties! There's one this weekend and I'm psyched. We're even blowing off DH's family for it. Yeah!

That's a couple. Maybe more later. Maybe not. Best part of the Journal is that it's entirely voluntary.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen