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2005-06-01 - 7:44 p.m.

In the news

First of all there's nothing like a bit of queso and a fishbowl sized margarita to improve one's perspective on life. I was thinking, though, there have been a couple of newsworthy things happen that beg for comment.

Kudos to Woodward and Bernstein the only two men in Washington to ever keep a secret. Boos to the family of Deep Throat who are on record as saying they would like to make money off of this.

A bunch of expensive homes were wrecked in landslides in California. Are we in the other parts of the country the only ones who see this as inevitable? I'm sure the views are lovely but really wouldn't it be wiser to build where there is actually land under your house instead of just passing through.

Finally a barber is being threatened with a suit for selling Neil Armstrong's hair clippings to a collector. This is just icky. First off what kind of person collects famous people's hair? Second Ewww.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen