Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-03-28 - 9:35 a.m.

Happy Holidays and Minor Drama.

I definitely did not get enough sleep this weekend. I got a lot done, but apparently what I sacrificed was my usual catch up on the snoozing time.

Friday I was way ahead by noon. Had a pleasant afternoon puttering while the boy played with the neighbor. Cooked prime rib for dinner - and if that doesn't spell the end of my catholic upbringing, I don't know what does.

Saturday the hubs wanted a movie outing, I wanted to get the vehicle serviced. The best way to accomplish both goals was to haul my behind out of bed early and get my chores finished before ten am. I did that then filed loose papers, did some tidying up for the impending festivities, colored many easter eggs, paid the bills, filed the taxes, baked cookies and played an hour and a half of Mario Party with the boy - because he asked me to fit it into my schedule and how can you say no to that? Dinner was slightly late and I was totally beat but it all worked out fine.

Hubs and I have had a strange bonding thing going on lately which involves actual conversation in the evenings. It's caused by him playing a computer game on one computer while I'm online on the other. I make snarky comments about the game sound effects and he laughs and we interact and it's almost like a real relationship. (Shocking, I know!)

After a while he went to watch tv and I played easter bunny. After last year's eat till you throw up festivities (causing the boy to be out an extra day after spring break). The bunny cleverly put no little pieces of chocolate in the basket. There was one large bunny - hollow, because the gnawing on the solid one last year was really too difficult. A couple small bunnies and a bunch of hollow eggs filled with single servings of other chocolate and jellybean offerings. It will be interesting to see if the husband manages to supervise the boy enough today to ensure the single servings are eaten as single servings (as opposed to last years fiasco).

The boy had bought (or caused me to buy) a chocolate bunnie for hubs. We put it in a basket and the boy was amazed that the easter bunny filled it too. I told the boy that I guess the bunny fills any basket that's left out. The husband was suprised. Then looked around and said to me "there's no candy for you". Well, Duh not if he didn't get me any. [Although not strictly true as there was a communal candy bowl for the guests and I plus as bunny designate I had already eaten a good bit of candy.] The man also asked for the 6th straight year why I didn't hide the real eggs (because apparently a year is too long to remember these things).

Needless to say I was awake at the crack of dawn so as not to miss the boy's egg hunting. Then the day just sort of mosied into the normal pancake breakfast and puttering. I had a brief fantasy about going back to sleep for a bit but it didn't pan out. Instead I followed up with preparing for the festivities which began around noon with the arrival of one of my adult nephews. The sissies came and the bride and groom to be. My brother brought his new girlfriend who was very pleasant and very nice. Plus my sissies brought me potted flowers which make my house very festive.

The only drama of the day was mid-afternoon when one nephew and his wife announced they were leaving because their son was wearing them out. Apparently they were very afraid he'd break something or mess up my carpets or who knows what and they were beat from chasing him. Luckily we talked them out of that. Grandma did some munchkin chasing and they managed to stick it out until dinner. It's nearly impossible to convey to folks that there's very little irreplacible in my house and we won't even get into how trashed the carpets are courtesy of the dog. I must be the only one who sees the great deal of wear & tear on my house and goods.

So that was the minor drama. Well, that and the dog helping himself to munchkin snacks left in accessible locations, twice. The meal was good, the drama level fairly low and everyone was gone and the dishes done in time for the weekly tissue fest Home Makeover show.

Now it's back to the salt mines...

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen