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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-11-20 - 2:54 p.m.

Meanwhile Back at the Ranch.

The burst of introspection and the sadness of the week has led to a bit of mental retreat. Still so much to figure out but I'm feeling a bit low energy for that task. So I read. Two books since Monday. Not a lot compared to some but a nice escape for me.

On Wednesday after the funeral I zipped back to work for a couple of hours and then over to the doc. Some days we click and some we don't. Wednesday while not a bad appointment, didn't quite click. On the plus side I did inform her I was dropping my appointments with the nutritionist. I was beginning to consider them a no value added activity.

Home again and then out to dine with the SIL and hubs niece. Pleasant as we went to a local not quite fast food (but almost) italian eatery. Home to pick up for the maids and do small boy maintenance so the husband could watch a bad tv movie part 2. Then I caught my show (taped) and off to bed.

Thursday was strangely slow at work, so I read. No doc appointment so I looked at my homework for group. It was pretty useless so I blew it off. Then at 20 minutes before the end of the day I got 30 or 40 minutes of work to do. By the time I finished it up and headed out I realized I didn't want to go to group. So I didn't. Instead I browsed in a book store for an hour and took myself out for chinese for dinner. Came home, watched my shows and felt pretty darn refreshed.

Friday work was frustrating. We are theoretically putting in new software on 12/31. Yesterday 11/19 I sat in on a meeting that was pretty much a requirements meeting. My brain is buzzing. We should be testing processes and tweaking flows at this point not suddenly finding out that one file will be 15 files. Bah.

Friday night - groceries, dinner and a date with the second half of my book. Finished by 11 and off to bed.

Today - not much. Chores, laundry, a little putzing in the kitchen. And I've got a bunch more books ...

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen