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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-06-08 - 1:56 p.m.


The extra activity on my schedule is killing me. In a - things are fine, things are fine, things are fine, ohmygodIhavetobesomewhere, things are fine - sort of way. Last night it was nutrition class then to the Board of Ed for a PTA thing where the principal was getting an award. So I zipped home, spiffied up a copy of the nomination letter I did for the award, wolfed down some food (not per the program to be wolfing food). Zipped off to class. Never did manage to talk to the doctors, I guess we'll deal with the scheduling when I'm there tomorrow or Thursday. I headed straight out of there to the Board of Ed where I accepted the award on my prinicpal's behalf as she never showed (she had it on the calendar for Thursday). I should have left right after that, but I thought I'd stick around for the meeting - big mistake. When they spent 45 minutes bickering over one piece of testimony before the school board, I punted. I had to get gas so I zoomed down to do that and got home by 10. I realized as I was in bed that I forgot to make my lunch for today - not a good thing.

Lunch it seems is a lynch pin item. Not having it made means late in the morning which just seems to make everything else difficult. Worse I had a gyn appointment this morning. Worse still my servers have been acting up so I had to come to work before my 8:30 appointment to ensure the process had run or start it if necessary. The am schedule has no fat in it. No lollygagging at all. I had to get to work at least 15 minutes earlier than normal to make everything work. The only option was to give up breakfast.

If you're counting along I'm now potentially down by 2 meals and 2 snacks all the while on a WM program which means fast food and vending is not a good option. Neither actually, is skipping meals. Sooo up at 5:45 go to the gym work out to 6:30 home by 6:45. Shower, dress, hug the child, grab a frozen dinner and some fruit, out to work. At work by 7:30 and sure enough the job had not run. Start things up consult network guy for assistance. How is it that the network card is not properly set when all they did was move the servers from one room to another? Out the door of work by 8 to make the 8:30 appointment. Eat a protein bar in the car. Spend nearly an hour musing on the stupidity of a health care system where an 8:30 appointment doesn't start until 9:00 and then you get left sitting in nothing but skin and some paper for 30 minutes. Back to work by 10:00.

Pshew. I guess there's enough stress associated with my schedule during this WM program that I'll be able to know for sure that it works in times of stress.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen