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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-05-26 - 1:22 p.m.

Half a step from overload.

The good part of getting one's arse in gear is that you start knocking things off "the list" the worse part is that suddenly there are a ton of appointments for the things that have to be done.

The wonky tooth is now fixed. I also have a new dentist. I was very pleased with my first impression of him and his practice. I also now know that the previous dentist is not just a jerk but a bit of a crook too. He told me that my insurance allowed 4 visits a year for cleaning and that was what I needed. Turns out I have 2 cleanings and 2 exams allowed per year (usually done as 2 appointments) he apparently got me in there more times and just coded them however he needed in order to get paid. God only knows what else he was doing. Good Riddance. Of course now I have a dentist appointment scheduled for an exam next week. After that, I'll have to get the boy scheduled for one.

I also have to claim the boy early from school today to take him to the doctor. Seems when I got efficient and turned the camp form in early, they realized they hadn't seen him in a while. By their schedule he isn't due in until September but the doc wanted to see him before doing the form. So today is a doctor appointment for him. Hopefully I won't need to do another in September too.

It's actually feeling like doctor-palooza here anyway. There's so much dental, plus the boy's doctor appointment, then the regularly scheduled girl bits appointment, which will lead to the yearly boob squishing, and it's time to see the dermatologist again. I guess I need to schedule that too.

Finally and most important I called the weight management doctors whose clipping I've had in my book since January 1st. Starting June 2nd I will be in an intense 8 week program to learn how to lose weight and more importantly keep it off. A couple nights each week plus weekly appointments. On top of my exercise schedule. (They offer one, but I'm going to opt out of their program to give me more flexibility). I'm feeling a little paniced about the time commitment, but I've known all along this was the right thing to do.

Plus of course all the end of the year school stuff. Presentations, open houses, pta party, class picnic, staff picnic...

Who needs an amusement park my life is spinning fast enough on it's own.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen