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2004-05-11 - 3:44 p.m.

The 7 year old mind.

I accompanied the second grade on a field trip today. The trip was to support their social studies unit on economics and was a trip to the grocery store. Basically groups of 16 kids and 4 adults were taken on a tour "behind the scenes" at the grocery. We saw the bakery (and got cookies), the produce section, the fish counter (and got shrimp), the deli (and got cheese), the back store rooms including the milk cooler, the icecream freezer and the frozen food freezer, then they demonstrated the cardboard compactor, and we swung through meats (thank goodness not through the butcher area), frozen foods then around to prepared foods again (and got pizza) then throught the front where they gave the kids grocery goodie bags (juice, fruit, chips and pudding). I must say the store was very accomodating. The only bummer was that I was very nervous watching 16 children in the deli area with the slicers and the knives.

It was amusing watching the kids answer questions like 'what is a capital resource here in the bakery?' More amusing was getting them to move aside so a 'consumer' could get past them.

Things that the kids said that amazed me:

When told to use his GC Elementary manners one boy said "I don't have any manners".

When they wouldn't open up the trash compactor because it was dangerous and stinky one boy said "my house smells like trash".

It makes me wonder what mine says when I'm not around.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen