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2004-03-18 - 3:38 p.m.

Is it something in the air?

So many folks I read are writing in a tone of anger or depression. I wonder about the connections. Is it a phase of the moon? the need for spring? something in the air?

I must say that I'm feeling on the edge myself. There's more irritating me lately than making me happy. I feel the weight of inaction. All the things that never seem to get done.

But spring is close enough to touch. The forsythia were blooming downtown. A few daffodils here and there too. There's a lovely patch of snow drops at the corner where you turn into our development. I think I may need to plant some myself for next year.

At my house spring is incipient. The buds are there. Everything is so close. Just not quite there yet.

Here's hoping for daffodils, soon!

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen