Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-03-12 - 4:17 p.m.

A Rocky Evening.

Work has settled into the kind of boredom I experienced downtown. There's a couple more meetings weekly and more people around but it's essentially the same. These folks already have their friends and people they work closely with, too. I'm pretty much isolated in the crowd.

I spent some time on the phone talking to the lady that I became friends with downtown. I don't know how to refer to her, she's the anorexic. I didn't care for her at first, but she has grown on me. I spent some time trying to calm her down about the impending layoff meeting (you can see how that came out from my last post.)

So then I left work early for the dentist. This guy gets on my nerves. I miss my poor cancer ridden dentist. I get the feeling this new guy is just out to "Sell, Sell, Sell". What he's selling this time is another freakin' crown. I was paying attention, however, and his little hook of doom did go way into what should be a solid filling. He also said something about a pulpectomy - but I intend to tell him to leave my pulp alone!

I get home and the child is crying inconsolably. Seems that even facing a total electronics ban he slipped up yet again on the appropriate maintenance of bodily functions front. I spent a bunch of time calming him down, then I helped him with homework. Score one for me! we got through the homework with zero additional meltdowns.

Somewhere in there I played the answering machine which had the message about my buddy losing her job. Adding insult to injury I didn't have a copy of the work contact numbers so I could call her back. I had lots of stress dreams last night about her and about people leaving the company.

Today when I spoke to her she was horribly upset. Apparently she was very angry last night and was ranting and carrying on. The meeting was to give them 6 months advance notice of the end of their jobs. They get severance on top of it (if they stay). She wants to just quit now which is her emotions talking. The tough part is going to be getting her to see that is it to her advantage to work to the end and use the time to hone her computer skills and such. I'm not sure how successful we'll be at that.

Today was web-guy's last day. He had already turned over all his work so he had a meeting with the big boss and then by noon he was gone.

So I'm already feeling a bit alone and lonely then my closest co-worker from the last year quits and is gone and my one break buddy gets notice of her impending layoff and freaks out. Sigh.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen