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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-12-09 - 3:21 p.m.

Me, Me, Me.

So I want to talk today about the amazing way people seem to have of thinking it's all about them. But before I tell that story, I have to tell you this one. (**Extra points if you get the 'literary' reference.)

Today at the ancient and venerable bank I found out they've hired our temp as a full time regular employee. Not through an anouncement by her or anyone else (like a boss or something), but in a whispered behind the door conversation. Seems the bosses have chosen not to tell anyone and the only person who was told was our psuedo-supervisor BGH. And he was told by her not the boss!

And yesterday the corporate counsel apparently had a hissy fit in a meeting and quit on the spot. That after something like 38 years with the company. One of our consultants who was there described it as the most uncomfortable situation he's ever been in. Never a dull moment.

So the me bus. Everyone seems to be on it these days. I find it just too much lately.

A fellow journaler Melissa noted that she felt she was starting to censor her descriptions of her life because people who read the journal thought she was criticizing them. It's rattled in my brain for the last little bit and golly but it pisses me off. How freaking self centered can a person be that someone else describing their day or their choices would make them feel defensive. People wake up! If you are feeling defensive it's not from anything I or anyone else has done. That nagging feeling is probably your inner consciousness saying that you're doing something that isn't right for you.

There are, for instance, many vegetarians who can make an excellent case for vegetarianism as a healthy sustainable way to eat. Many can make the case of animals as companions not food. Some can even give horror stories about meat processing and the cruelty that can be involved. There's a lot of reasons to go vegetarian. I can acknowledge they make a good case, without feeling the need to give up meat. I don't mind hearing what they have to say because I've already decided and I'm comfortable with my decision. It doesn't work for everyone, but I haven't asked everyone to be like me. Because it's not all about me.

On the other hand I complain rather frequently about my husband. He's not perfect and neither am I. More importantly he's not perfect for me. I know that, but I have made decisions regarding my life based on what I think is right for my boy and myself. I may complain, but I don't take any one's comments about good marriages or love or such as a commentary on my situation. They aren't talking or writing about me.

Frankly with very few exceptions I'm the only one who is ever talking and/or writing about me! Gentle readers this is the only place where it's supposed to be all about me! And it is. As Melissa's page is about her life and Best Babe's her's, and AOD's her life etc, etc. That's why I personally love online journals - all this input, all these lives, all this stuff that isn't about me! New ideas are the potting soil of life if we surround ourselves with a good mix they help us grow. I feel like here I've got such mix going that I can't help but grow.

**Pretty much any of Dav Pilkey books like Captain Underpants -- yeah I have a 7 year old boy and sometimes it shows.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen