Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-10-26 - 5:56 p.m.

Debrief, foreshadowing, and other small things.

So I worked the weekend. I knew it was off to a bad start when the friday site I was to be at at noon, became 2:30. It was a tiny little site but we basically had to sit around on our arses because the teller couldn't balance her drawer and we couldn't fit in the tiny little teller area with her, her manager, and the monitor from the new bank all squeezed in trying to figure out how she screwed up. I also saw the writing on the wall when the guys I was with didn't even have the same sheet of steps I did for configuring machines.

So that tiny 2 hour site took about 2 1/2 hours and we got to our 2 oclock site at 5ish. The guys hadn't eaten all day so they ran to the eatery in T@rget for something quick while I sat around. I did a lot of that (sitting around). Finally we started on the server switchout and around six started the 8 machines there. It ended up taking a couple hours and around 8pm the postponed our last site of the day to the following day by adding one worker and splitting our group up for the first site.

Saturday went better, it was just long and tedious. It was tough realizing that we had no information for these bank people. We got yelled at, at the last bank because the manager thought we'd be there the previous day (but later the assistant said she knew better). It was better than being a teller or manager - they were being yelled at by a fair number of the customers.

The last bank had 27 computers. Our instructions said all the machines were win2000 and configured the same - except half of these were win 95 and you couldn't do all of the steps on them. We finished around 3:30 after the last 2 machines took forever to get right.

I'm sure they won't invite me to the de-brief (I'm trust side not bank side) but I've prepped some notes and intend to send my take on it to the guys who were organizing.

I had a recent entry bemoaning the fact that the fall had been pretty spotty and lackluster. Then yesterday's Washington P0st had an article about just the exact same topic. Woo hoo scientist confirmed just what I said. That it's been a weird spotty lackluster fall. I for one am so glad that science can validate the obvious.

Strange thing that Trinity had a dream about Grouse , I had one too. In mine Grouse, you were a minor player. I was dreaming that you were in town on business and I was hanging out with your wife. Not quite sure why I dreamed that - I hadn't even read any diaries for a couple days because of the work schedule.

I also find it funny that I tend to dream about diarists I don't know. I know or have met about half my list but its the one's I haven't met that tend to inhabit my dreams. Probably because they are the one's I'm most curious about. The diary gives us such glimpses into other folks lives, but I can't really say I know most of them. At least not honestly. Funny thing the subconscious.

Oh, and Grouse, your wife was an excellent dream companion. I specifically remember comparing notes with her on the joys (& pains) of living with houses full of males.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen