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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-10-23 - 1:01 p.m.

Resolution and head shakers.

Tuesday I thought I had lost a box of Grl Scout cookies. Ok, let me rephrase that - I thought I had eaten an entire box of Grl Scout cookies without noticing. Not hard to do, but kind of disturbing. At first I thought maybe the kid from next door shorted me, but I realized how much more likely it was that I was a glutton on the tagalongs. No big deal I just decided to suck it up and have a thin mint instead.

I'm happy to say that last night I found the box of cookies. Phew! I'm glad to know that I didn't just suck them down without tasting. I'm also glad I still have a supply of my GS Crack. How did I misplace them? I was on the 'puter and realized I was eating them way too fast so I closed the box and put them under my desk. Mystery solved, box found, mostly intact even! I celebrated by having a couple of cookies.

I now know what I'll be doing tomorrow and where I'll be going. Apparently the meeting I lent my car out for was specifically to impart this information to us. Now I have a handy list of banks and times. Step by step instructions and a list of printer addresses to change. Happily I even mostly know where I'm going! I hope I can acomplish the necessary tasks at least remotely competently.

Today's special pronouncements from the Big Giant Head.

"Shit", he said.

"Not on command", I said trying to bring civility and levity back to the office.

"We'll work on that" he said. (pause)

"It will be on your next performance review."

And finally the serious head shaker from the home front. DH watches serials in the mornings. He's watching some arcane selection in date order. Yesterday was some western involving borrowed horses and an evil guy trying to get the stagecoach line. Today was some sort of WWII plot. So I asked, how did the other one end? And his reply was that most of the chapters were lost for that serial so what he has doesn't actually end. He apparently bought this partial serial from some internet site. So he bought and watched an incomplete show, on purpose. "There was still some good action" was his reasoning.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen