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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-10-05 - 7:38 p.m.

Little Disappointments.

Yesterday after soccer I decided I needed to do some shopping. The good part is that I did the bummer is that the main things I want were not to be had at the stores I went to. I spent an inordinate amount of time in the women's department of one store vainly trying to find something to buy for me. So many clothes and all so unsuitable for the sized people they were made for.

Came home and crashed for a while suddenly it was dinner time. I had been expecting to go out but hadn't heard anything so I figured something else had come up. Big mistake. If I had just picked up the phone I would have discovered that the husband aka wonder boy somehow managed to leave the computer dialed into the internet with no one using it all afternoon. I didn't discover that until the boy went to bed and by then it was too late for anything.

Today I managed a couple maintenance tasks early - mending, planting, watering and cleaning. Then nothing. I have not been able to get the gumption together to do anything at all. I've read a page or two but couldn't get interested. Baked brownies but didn't want any when they were done. Watched a little tv but can't get interested. Going to bed sounds like the best option now.

The one thing that I did do was squash my dear husband's plans for the celebration of my birthday. We already got my present - a printer/scanner/copier for the computer that I was going to buy but he ended up getting and calling it my birthday present (despite the fact that it is not actually mine but everyone's). He mentioned a while ago taking me to dinner in Little Italy but not on my actual birthday. Then last night he mentioned that he wondered if we would need reservations for Saturday night. Suddenly I realized this was not my idea of a birthday treat - going to a restaurant that I don't know the name of or the hours of and of which I only sort of know the location, travelling after dark on a weekend to boot, plus I'll have to drive because he has no clue at all where to go and he can't be bothered to drive in the city, and with the kid in tow because God knows no one around here ever gets a babysitter. So I said no. I want to do something else anyway that day. I do want to go back to that restaurant, but during lunch sounds much better to me.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen