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2003-09-19 - 10:07 a.m.

Risk Management

So Isabel has mostly come and gone. Most of the damage here can be described as downed trees, minor flooding and loss of electricity. I personally managed to avoid all three. Frankly some of the costal area have flooding that is a good bit more serious than minor and even a chunk of downtown Baltimore is knee deep in water. It really is one of those days when that pricey waterfront property is even more pricey than you expected.

I'm at work, again. Just like yesterday. The bank stays open and most of us have been/are here. DH is off work which is convenient because the schools are closed. Actually it makes good sense that they're closed today what with the flooding and downed trees, but I've got to say that yesterday's closure was a mistake.

Intellectually I know why they closed the schools, it's all about risk management. School officials do not survive in their positions if children are stranded at schools or on school buses is a storm. Still the storm wasn't much more than rain before 4pm yesterday and it was never really forecast to be much more than rain before that time frame. Deb's 'laws of told you so' now indicate that we are in for a hard winter because any time they close schools when they didn't need to it's a direct indicator of needing to later.

The downed tree count on my drive to work was 4 upended roots and all and 10 or 12 split or broken in some fashion. I only encountered high winds on the elevated roadways coming into the city, and saw no standing water. The only truely eerie experience was coming up the highway. There was no traffic southbound because they'd closed the road for an accident. It was a first for me because I've never actually seen a police helicopter parked in the middle of 95 before. The most worrisome part was the officers looking over a bridge railing that was broken.

I fully expect soccer to be cancelled tomorrow on account of wet fields. Hopefully, however the birthday zoo trip will be ok on Sunday. Hope everyone is on high ground!


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen