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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-09-17 - 9:43 a.m.

The Rhythm of the Day.

I was trying to capture my morning again. Turn it into another snapshot. Then three paragraphs in I realized that not every day is a poem. My routines and rhythms are the hearbeat of my life, monotonous and necessary. In my house, we all like to know what to expect. The special events are spice in our life but the day to day stuff is routine. Sometimes downright mind numbing routine.

This morning before work I decided to head out on the deck and mull over the furniture and the hurricane which will potentially be visiting tomorrow. I decided on stacking the chairs and moving them near the house and bringing the candle and tablecloth inside. I'm undecided on the birdfeeders, but figure I'll give the squirrels the rest of the day to empty them before I decide.

It's funny the way that various people react and prepare for the storm. The temp who has become my best comrade at work is home today battening down the hatches, so to speak. She has drainage problems to deal with and a pool full of inflateables to put away. The inflateables should take 30 minutes tops to deal with, and personally if I had a drainage issue I wouldn't wait until there's a hurricane forecast to deal with it. The webguy left early yesterday to trim a dead tree near his house. He's been talking about his plan to trim it down but he figured he would have most of the fall to take care of it. Today he tells me that there's a lot more tree there than he thought.

Personally we've got bunches of dead trees and frankly I can easily imagine one particularly thick one of them smashing the shed but at this late date there's not a lot I can do about that. I don't actually think the house or deck are in any danger. The recent thunderstorms have knocked some trees down in the woods behind the house, but the copse next to us looks to be pretty healthy. The neighbors copse has some dead wood, but most of it is 10 inches of diameter or less - it's not likely to knock anything down just sort of fall onto it.

Now at work I'm pretty darn bored. There's a couple "projects" for me, but I'm loathe to start them with the potential that the application itself might be up for a rewrite very soon. It's been pretty strongly hinted but no one has laid out the path. So I diddle with the daily stuff and keep the systems up to date and get bored stiff. It's pretty bad when lunch is the big highlight of the day. I've become utterly addicted to the honey wings at the deli across the street. Yum. Only 2 hours to go...

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen